Internet Defense League

Monday, July 30, 2012

With a nod to Andy Donato,

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Life cycle of ants

Click the image above to learn about the life cycle of the ant!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Whole Lotta Love

Led Zeppelin cover by Elise Testone on American Idol

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sperm Whale Encounter

Short but absolutely awesome video.

Click photo below for full size

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Naturalism Explained

Here's a brief description, a paraphrased version of The Center for Naturalism's Statement On Naturalism:

Naturalism is the view that nature exists as a single domain or substance, without resort to obscure notions of the supernatural. While open to all logical possibilities and the many surprises the universe has for us, naturalism is supported by evidence, ongoing empirical observations and common experience. It recognizes that we as humans are fully connected to the rest of the natural world, that we are, on many levels, caused by perceptible and logical natural forces, and through that insight, we are empowered while encouraging the realization of compassion and humility.

Kennt's Pix

Beautiful shots Kennt! Awesome!

(Click on any pic to view larger image gallery)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Political Update

Here's an article in the Washington Post on Santorum's Opus Dei connections. I can just imagine a President Santorum press conference, "Mr President, are you going to renounce the use of torture, including on yourself?"

Not to worry though, "Frothy" will probably take a good whipping at the primaries before that happens.

And in a sign that the end is nigh for his campaign, Santorum bubbled over on camera.
--Thanks to Kennt for the heads up!

Mulcair by more than a whisker
And speaking of self-torture, here in Canada, the NDP finally finished up their botched convention with the election of Thomas Mulcair.