Internet Defense League

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Political Update

Here's an article in the Washington Post on Santorum's Opus Dei connections. I can just imagine a President Santorum press conference, "Mr President, are you going to renounce the use of torture, including on yourself?"

Not to worry though, "Frothy" will probably take a good whipping at the primaries before that happens.

And in a sign that the end is nigh for his campaign, Santorum bubbled over on camera.
--Thanks to Kennt for the heads up!

Mulcair by more than a whisker
And speaking of self-torture, here in Canada, the NDP finally finished up their botched convention with the election of Thomas Mulcair.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a sad reality, seems to be overlooked in the news of late.
